Portada » Collaborators

David Aragonés
Position: technician
Department: Remote sensing and GIS Lab
Institution: Doñana Biological Station (CSIC)
Email: daragones@ebd.csic.es
Research Group: Wetland Ecology
Keywords: Landsat, Sentinel-2, MODIS, Casi, AHS, Forest Monitoring, Water Monitoring, NDVI, Land Surface Phenology
Web references / web sites of interest:
Main background and research interest:
Phd student in geography from the University of Seville in co-tutelage with the PhD in agricultural sciences from the Veracruzana University in Mexico. I am conducting the last year of thesis studies on «Forest monitoring by remote sensing to climate change in biodiversity hotspots». I am a specialized technician with more than 20 years of experience and I am working in the GIS and Remote Sensing laboratory at the Doñana Biological Station (CSIC). Author of 20 scientific papers and numerous presentations at national and international conferences related to the use of Sentinel 2, Landsat and MODIS satellite images in relation with forest and water resourses.

Marina Tomás-Martín
Position: Master student
Department: Department of Ecology
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
email: marina.tomas@estudiante.uam.es; marinatomas99@gmail.com
Research Group: Inland-Water Ecosystems Team, I-WET
Keywords: ecology, limnology, temporary ponds, macroinvertebrates, macrophytes, management & conservation
Web sites:
Main background and research interest:
I am a freshwater young researcher recently graduated in Biology. I am currently a student of the UAM/UCM master’s degree in Ecology. I started my research career on limnology in 2020 with my final degree thesis, in which I studied the drivers that influenced a spatio-temporal gradient in the composition of the macroinvertebrate community in the temporary pond complex Charcas de los Camorchos (located in the NW of Madrid). My main interests lie in limnology, temporary ponds and the different species that inhabit them, and the relationships they establish with each other. I am also interested in the management and conservation of these taxa and ecosystems. I have also participated in the European project for young researchers EUROPONDS (3rd European EFFS-EFYR FreshProject), sampling a pond in Alpedrete every season during a year. All this has helped me to develop some experience in field sampling of water bodies, performing analyses of the nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations in the laboratory, and the identification of macrophytes and and macroinvertebrates.

Ana Isabel López-Archilla
Position: Senior lecturer (Profesora Titular de Universidad)
Department: Ecology
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
email: anabel.lopez@uam.es
Research Group: Inland-Water Ecosystems Team, I-WET
Keywords: ecology, Microbial aquatic ecology, extreme aquatic systems, Microbial mats, Phytoplankton diversity.
Web sites:
Main background and research interest:
I am biologist with a Ph.D. degree in Biology since 1994. Currently I am lecturer about Ecology and Microbial Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). My research is focused on the Microbial Ecology of microbial mat and its role in the fossilization process. I am currently working, together with several researchers from my department, on the incidence of the increase in atmospheric CO2 and, consequently, in temperature, in the growth of microbial mats.
I have also worked with microorganisms from extreme aquatic environments, both acidic (e.g. those of the Rio Tinto) or alkaline ones and even, in polyextreme environments (e.g. Dallol -Ethiopia- which is acidic, hypersaline and with high concentrations of metals).

Juan Carlos Moreno Saiz
Position: Assistant professor
Department: Biology
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
email: anabel.lopez@uam.es
Research Group: Terrestrial Ecology, I-WET
Keywords: ecology, plant conservation, biogeography, species distribution, Mediterranean flora
Web sites:
Main background and research interest:
My main lines of research are divided between biogeography and the conservation of threatened flora. As a biogeographer I have worked both in the distribution of species, generating cartographic databases on the Iberian and Balearic flora, as well as in the analysis of phytogeographic regions and in the determination of their underlying processes in various parts of the world. As a conservation biologist, I have been very interested in the implementation of gap analysis to detect deficiencies in protected areas, as well as in research on threatened plants of steppe habitats, among which those linked to temporary aquatic environments have had particular relevance, seeking to improve its management and protection measures

M. Carmen Ramírez Soto
Position: Technician in research project
Department: Wetland Ecology
Institution: Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC)
email: mcramirezsoto@gmail.com
Research Group: Terrestrial Ecology, I-WET
Web references:
Main background and research interest:
Currently working as a research technician at Doñana Biological Station within the Wetland Department. Our Project is focused on the effects of desiccation on the biodiversity of ponds in Doñana. I am undertaking multiple tasks including censuses of aquatic biodiversity for both flora and fauna, germination experiments and processing satellite images. I have also worked on multiple other projects within the field of Conservation Biology, in areas such as ornithology, pollination and seed dispersal. I was also previously part of a team working as a laboratory technician where I performed DNA extractions of different species in order to create genetic libraries.
My love for nature is also reflected in the other aspects of my life including photography and painting.