Portada » Research Team

Bruno Ribeiro
Position: Environmental consultant
Institution: The Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development
Email: ribeiro.brr@gmail.com
Research Group:
Keywords: Conservation biogeography, climate change, plant conservation, species’ risk assessment
Web references/web sites of interest: CV, Google scholar, Orcid, Researchgate
Main background and research interest:
I am a Brazilian conservation biologist. Holding a Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolution (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil), my current research lies on the interface between Macroecology and Conservation Biography. My work has supported conservation decisions and policymaking in Brazil by acting as a private environmental consultant expert on conservation planning and geospatial analyses for several NGOs and the Brazilian federal and state government.

Dr. Carlos Melián
Position: Associate professor and tenured researcher
Department: Fish Ecology and Evolution
Institution: University of Bern and ETH-Domain
Email: carlos.melian@eawag.ch
Research Group: Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology
Keywords: Biodiversity, Food Webs, Ecological networks, Eco-evolutionary dynamics, modeling, Science-based sustainable technologies.
Web references / web sites of interest:
Main background and research interest:
I obtained my PhD Thesis (2005) and MSc Degree (1998) at the University of Alcalá (Madrid), working later as postdoctoral fellow in the National Center of Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, until obtaining a tenured-track position in 2015, in the Center for Ecology, Evolution and Biogeochemistry, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Switzerland. Currently, I am group leader of the Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology group, at the Department of Fish Ecology and Evolution at Eawag, ETH-Domain. The major focus of my group is the development and test of ecological and evolutionary network models using fossil, historical and contemporary data. My main interest in this proposed project resides in my expertise in ecological networks focusing on the role of biological dispersal in spatial multilayer networks.

Dr. Eugenio Rico Eguizabal
research team
Position: Profesor Titular de Universidad
Department: Ecology
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Email: eugenio.rico@uam.es
Research Group: Inland-Water Ecosystems Team, I-WET
Keywords: Aquatic ecology, limnology, biodiversity, ecological quality, pollution, trophic webs.
Web references / web sites of interest: –
Main background and research interest:
I am assistant professor with tenure at the Dep. of Ecology (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). I obtained the Batchelor Degree (1986) and my PhD Thesis (1992) in the University of Biological Science, in the Basque Country. I have been involved in research projects regarding limnology of the Iberian Peninsula and Antarctica, developing research in rivers, lakes, and wetlands. I have contributed to the knowledge of the biodiversity of macroinvertebrates, the functioning to these aquatic ecosystems, have worked with historic series of data to understand the characteristics of lakes, have developed and implemented methodologies for the evaluation of these ecosystems, and have analysed the trophic webs and biological interactions of these ecosystems. Among my publications, I have characterized the wetlands of the Basque Country. I have been involved in 16 research projects and actions in competitive calls of the Spanish Government i+d (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo).

Geiziane Tessarolo
research team
Position: Postdocoral research
Department: Biology
Institution: Universidade Estadual de Goiás
Email: geites@gmail.com
Research Group: Biogeography and aquatic ecology
Keywords: Biogeography, macroecology, species distribution models, biodiversity data quality
Web references / web sites of interest:
CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1344166697425781
Google sholar: https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?user=WW68jKIAAAAJ&hl=pt-BR
Orcid: https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?user=WW68jKIAAAAJ&hl=pt-BR
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Geiziane-Tessarolo
Main background and research interest:
I’m a postdoctoral researcher in the UEG, holding a Ph.D. in ecology and evolution. I have been actively working on biogeography, macroecology and ecological models, with emphasis on themes related to methods in species distribution models, computational simulations and biodiversity data quality. In recent years I have focused on the development of methods and tools to analyze and quantify biodiversity data quality in both terrestrial and aquatic environments.

Laura Serrano
research team
Position: assistant proffesor with tenure in Ecology
Department: Plant Biology and Ecology
Institution: University of Sevilla email: serrano@us.es
Research Group: Integrative Ecology and Global Change
Keywords: limnology; wetlands; temporary ponds; biogeochemistry of nutrients; sediment P-fractionation; phosphate equilibrium model; plankton community ecology,
Web sites:
Main background and research interest:
I am a biologist with a Ph.D. degree in Ecology since 1992 and, currently, an assistant professor with tenure at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Seville (Spain). My research is focused on the ecology of Mediterranean temporary wetlands: their planktonic communities and the biogeochemistry of nutrients and organic matter, with expertise in the chemical equilibrium of phosphate at the water-sediment interface. I have devoted many years to study the limnology of temporary ponds in the Doñana area with the aim of preserving them from further deterioration. This extensive network of small and shallow aquatic habitats is part of the outstanding universal values that led to the designation of Doñana as a World Heritage Site.
Among my latest interests is the development of indicators to discern man-made eutrophication from a background of natural eutrophy in shallow water bodies. Man-made eutrophication proceeds much more rapidly than the natural phenomenon, and this accelerated fertilization of the aquatic systems in response to incoming nutrients (particularly, P and N) has become one of the major types of water pollution worldwide. Eutrophication has long been assessed in deep stratified lakes of temperate regions by monitoring changes in their trophic state. Those trophic thresholds, however, were conceived for nutrient recycling in the lake epilimnion and hence, are completely unsuitable for ponds and wetlands, where the bioavailability of P mostly depends on the chemical equilibrium between water and sediment.

Luis Mauricio Bini
research team
Main background and research interest:
I received my Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD degrees, respectively, in Ecology (São Paulo State University, 1991), Environmental Engineering (São Paulo University, 1995) and Ecology of Continental Aquatic Environments (State University of Maringá, 2001). I work at the Federal University of Goiás (since 1997), with a current interest in metacommunity ecology and research synthesis. My research on these topics is based on different aquatic systems (from tropical floodplain lakes and reservoirs to boreal streams) and on different organism groups (from diatoms to fishes).

María Antón-Pardo
research team
Position: Postdoctoral researcher
Department: Institute of Aquatic Ecology
Institution: Universitat de Girona
Email: mariateresa.anton@udg.edu; mariaantonpardo@gmail.com
Research Group: Limnology of Mediterranean lagoons and wetlands
Keywords: aquatic invertebrates; zooplankton; temporary waters; ponds; biodiversity; metacommunity; limnology
Web references / web sites of interest:
Main background and research interest:
My research is focused on invertebrate aquatic communities and how they are shaped by biotic and abiotic factors. My studies have been mainly performed in Mediterranean water bodies, but I have also worked in temperate and tropical waters, including deep lakes. Regarding abiotic variables, I am especially interested in disentangling how water permanence and the dry phase affect community assembly, especially considering regional factors. Additionally, I have studied the effect of fish predation pressure on invertebrates, including the behavioral response of zooplankton to avoid predation. I have been also involved in projects related with aquatic habitat restoration, studying community colonization and assembly; and in studies focused on ecosystem metabolism in coastal lagoons ans its relationship with water quality. As part of my current position at Universitat de Girona, I am working in a project aiming to use ponds and pondscapes to protect biodiversity, deliver ecosystem services and mitigate climate change.

Dr. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez
research team
Position: Professor of Ecology
Department: Life Sciences
Institution: University of Alcalá
Email: miguela.rodriguez@uah.es
Research Group: GloCEE – Global Change Ecology and Evolution group
Keywords: biogeography, macroecology, conservation biology, species distributions, community ecology, habitat fragmentation
Web references / web sites of interest: http://www3.uah.es/marodriguez/
Main background and research interest:
I am Professor at the Dep. of Life Science (UAH). I have largely worked in macroecological studies, being co-author of the first research publications that provided evidence that climate change can promote micro-evolution in natural populations, using invertebrates as models (Rodríguez-Trelles and Rodríguez, 1998; 2007; 2010). I have also broad experience in analysing the effect of spatial fragmentation on biodiversity through the development of competitive funded research projects. My research is focused in the description of biodiversity patterns and the factors and processes behind, largely addressing anthropogenic disturbances at biogeographical scales. My experience in the use of graph theory will be helpful to understand the connectivity of temporary ponds across environmental, climatic and anthropogenic gradients.

Paloma Alcorlo Pagés
research team
Position: Tenured Full-time Lecturer at the of the
Department: Ecology Department
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Email: paloma.alcorlo@uam.es
Research Group: Inland-Water Ecosystems Team, I-WET; Social-ecological systems Laboratory
Keywords: food web analysis; stable isotopes; wetlands; invasive species
Web references / web sites of interest: http://www.laboratoriosocioecosistemas.es
Main background and research interest:
I am Tenured Full-time Lecturer at the Ecology Department of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. My research activity has been focused on studying the effect of the invasive species, on the structure and functioning of Mediterranean aquatic ecosystems. Other areas of ecology, in which I have been involved are related to ecotoxicology, studying the effects of heavy metal pollution on aquatic ecosystems. I am currently working on three lines of research, the first one related with the description of food webs using of stable isotopes in wetlands, extreme saline ecosystems (project DryharshSal), and paleodiets. The second one is related with the analysis of the effect of fisheries in Mediterranean sea biodiversity in protected Natura 2000 sites (project EME-Mar); and the third one in studying the impact of land use changes in the aquatic biodiversity of ponds and water points of drove roads (ClimaRiskingPonds and Life Cañadas projects).

Prof. Dr. Rafael Loyola
research team
Position: Science Director
Institution: Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development
Email: loyola@fbds.org.br
Research Group:
Keywords: climate change, conservation planning, ecosystems services, environmental policy
Web references / web sites of interest:
LinkedIn profile -> https://www.linkedin.com/in/rdloyola/
Main background and research interest:
Currently, I’m the Science Director of the Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development. I manage projects and teams responsible for providing adequate support to decision-making and inter-sectoral environmental policymaking in Brazil. I’m also a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and associate professor in the Department of Ecology at the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil. I’ve been a visiting professor at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) and visiting researcher at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) and the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Gardens (JBRJ). I have authored more than 200 scientific publications, including 12 books. Currently, I also co-coordinate the Brazilian Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BPES). I act as a member of the Brazilian Network of Experts in Nature Conservation and the Coalition for Science and Society and serve as a scientific advisor to numerous international and national journals and funding agencies.

Salvador Mollá Martínez
research team
Position: Profesor Titular de Universidad
Department: Ecología (Ecology)
Institution:UniversidadAutónoma de Madrid
Email: salvador.molla@uam.es
Research Group: Inland-Water Ecosystems Team, I-WET.
Keywords: streams, wetlans, reservoirs, ecosystem functioning, ecosystem metabolism, leaf litter processing, organic matter budgets, ecological integrity assessment.
Web references / web sites of interest:
Main background and research interest:
I am an assistant professor with tenure at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid since 2006. I have developed my research activity in the field of Limnology, (both in wetlands, as well as in reservoirs and rivers). I have specialized in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems in the Iberian Peninsula, being mainly interested in the metabolism and dynamic of organic matter, primary and secondary production, and food webs. My main research interest also includes the evaluation of the ecological state in aquatic ecosystems (sensu EU Water Framework Directive, 2000/60/EC), as well as the application of structural and functional indicators (metabolism of benthic communities and litter decomposition) for the assessment of the ecological integrity in inland water ecosystems.

Ángel Baltanás
research team
Position: Senior lecturer (Profesor Titular de Universidad)
Department: Ecology
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
Email: angel.baltanas@uam.es
Research Group: Inland-Water Ecosystems Team, I-WET, I-WET
Keywords: Aquatic Ecology / Evolutionary Ecology / Geometric Morphometrics .
Web references / web sites of interest:
Main background and research interest:
I am a Senior Lecturer at the Dept. of Ecology and head of the I-WET. As a researcher, I have been largely interested in Aquatic Ecology and, specially, in the Evolutionary Ecology of ostracods, a group of crustaceans widely distributed, quite ecologically diverse (they are found in the abyssal oceanic zone, in temporary ponds, in inland saline lakes, in the subterranean realm, in running and stagnant waters, … and even in hot springs!) and with the largest fossil record (only second to molluscs). Accordingly, I tackled different aspects of this aquatic group ranging from taxonomy and phylogeny to the assessment of biogeographical patterns. One of my main working areas have been the study of ostracod carapace shape and its change at the ontogenetic, the intra-specific and the inter-specific levels within the framework of the so-called Geometric Morphometrics. Additionally, I also have experience in studying the functioning of Mediterranean wetlands, with special reference to the ecology of the alien species Procambarus clarkii. Most of this research experience —which includes extensive use of statistical data analyses and GIS— is shared with my students in the bachelor’s degree in Biology and the master’s degree in ‘Inland Water Quality Assessment.

Dr. Carmen Díaz Paniagua
research team
Position: Scientific Researcher CSIC
Department: Wetland Ecology
Institution: Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC)
Email: poli@ebd.csic.es
Research Group: , I-WET
Keywords: Temporary ponds, Amphibians, Reptiles, Turtles, Seeds, Aquatic plants.
Web references / web sites of interest:
Main background and research interest:
I am a Researcher in the Wetland Department, in Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC). My main expertise is the ecology of amphibians and reptiles, and presently I have also extended my research to the conservation of temporary ponds. I have intensively studied the pond network of the Doñana National Park, mainly composed of Mediterranean temporary ponds, including singular species of aquatic flora and fauna. Within a group of different researchers, we have analysed in detail this pond network and the dynamics of its communities, and also produced a precise cartography of the temporary ponds of the park. We have been actively involved in the conservation of these ponds, and we have also written technical reports advertising about the risk of desiccation of these ecosystems, threatened by the overexploitation of groundwater in the park’s surrounding. I have been included in the group of experts that elaborated the Action Plan for Wetlands in Andalusia, and I attend committees for annual evaluation of the conservation of water resources in Doñana National Park. I have frequently participated in outreach activities (TV talks, interviews and press).

Christian Arnanz Porras
research team
Position: PhD student
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Email: christian.arnanz@uam.es
Research Group: Inland-Water Ecosystems Team, I-WET , I-WET
Keywords: Aquatic ecology, macroecology, temporary ponds, biodiversity patterns, macroinvertebrates, biological invasions
Web references / web sites of interest:
https://twitter.com/ christianarnanz
Main background and research interest:
I obtained my College Degree in Biology (2019) and my Master’s Degree in Ecology (2021) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). During this period, I researched in the field of recreational ecology in aquatic systems at a mountainous river’s bathing use section of the Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama, and in the field of amphibian ecology and conservation, studying the potential for amphibian conservation of the water bodies associated with a livestock drove road in eastern Spain. Currently, I am working on my PhD in the framework of the proyect ClimaRiskinPond, which wants to prioritize the conservation of temporary ponds in peninsular Spain using aquatic invertebrates to face climate change, anthropogenic perturbations, and biological invasions.

Dr. Ignacio Morales-Castilla
research team
Position: Beatriz Galindo Distinguished Researcher
Department:Life Sciences
Institution: University of Alcalá
Email: ignacio.moralesc@uah.es
Research Group: Global Change Ecology and Evolution – GloCEE, I-WET
Keywords: Macrocology, Climate Change, Thermal Tolerance, Species Interactions, Applied Biogeography
Web references / web sites of interest:
Main background and research interest:
My research program is guided by the critical question: Can we accurately predict how the spatial, temporal and Eltonian dimensions of biodiversity will respond to global change? Specifically, it studies the roles of biogeographic history and evolution in shaping species distributions, accounting for how species interact with other species and, including eco-physiological and phenological processes in predictive models. To address questions related to how climate change will affect ecological communities and assemblages and improving forecasts of such effects, I draw on theory from community ecology, biogeography and spatial ecology with perspectives from evolutionary biology, palaeontology, quantitative ecology, ecophysiology, disease ecology, climatology or even agronomy and forestry.

Pablo Soto García
research team
Position: Hired project technician (Técnico de apoyo a la investigación).
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
Email: pablo.soto@uam.es; pablo.sotogdo@gmail.com
Research Group: Inland-Water Ecosystems Team, I-WET, I-WET
Keywords: Aquatic ecology, arthropods, biological invasions, community ecology, limnology, macroinvertebrates, microcrustaceans, macrophytes, temporary ponds.
Web references / web sites of interest:
Pablo Soto-García (researchgate.net)
Pablo Soto (@PabloSoto18) / Twitter
Main background and research interest:
I have broad experience in aquatic ecology, especially in temporary ponds, performing field sampling to characterize these singular ecosystems, measuring physicochemical variables in situ (electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, turbidity, etc.), and in the laboratory (analysis of the concentration of nutrients and chlorophyll, taxonomic identification at the species or genus level of macroinvertebrates and macrophytes ponds, etc.). I have been member of the European project EUROPONDS (3rd fresh project of European Federation of Freshwater Sciences (EFFS), European Fresh and Young Researchers (EFFS) Fresh Blood for Fresh Water (FBFW). I carried out my Final Degree Project in Biology Degree at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, analysing the effects of exotic effects on the macroinvertebrate assemblages of the Doñana National Park, using taxonomic and functional approaches. I have two communications at the SEFS12 (Symposium for European Freshwater Science), obtaining the “1st Place Poster” award with my collaborators. I am member team of an outreach activity at the European Researchers’ Night (Madrid), in order to create awareness in the society about the conservation of temporary ponds. I am also member of the international scientific society Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL).